All posts in " Retirement Living "

7 Regrets Happy Retirees Will Never Have

March 15, 2019

Life can be full of regrets. When you are young you might regret not asking somebody out, or not trying out for the basketball team. In middle age, you might regret not taking that overseas assignment that was offered to you, or buying that bigger house in the suburbs that might have pressured your finances […]


Personal Growth Isn’t Just for Millennials — Baby Boomers Take Notice

September 28, 2018

The personal growth or self-improvement industry is primarily targeted at younger people and many Baby Boomers feel that the advice offered does not apply to them. All this talk about following your dreams, quit your job today, get your side hustle going, become a digital nomad, find your purpose and so on is often lost […]


5 Reasons Why Retiring Abroad Will Shock You Into Living Again

October 3, 2017

Most people stumble into retirement — what they are usually faced with is a loss of identity and purpose. In a new book “Prescription for a Happy Retirement”, Dr. James Bash calls this the new PMS — Post Work Melancholy Syndrome. Whatever you call this state of mind, don’t let it happen to you. What a lot of people […]
